A Podcast about our favourite shows with interviews from their iconic actors

Posts tagged “Star Wars

Episode 120 – Rebels and Bounty Hunters of Star Wars – Tim Rose & Daniel Logan


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There are two types of Geeks in the world (although your hosts like both) and generally they are either for Star Trek or Star Wars. However, no matter which camp you call your own everyone likes a great story, great characters and of course great movies to watch over and over again! So, in this episode Eugenia and Gerri talk about Star Wars! George Lucas took the perennial story of the “hero” made it his own, and here we are still going to the movies to find out more about this Universe. Seven (or four if you are a Star Wars purest) movies later, we still can’t wait for the next one to be released. This universe has the staying power of Doctor Who and Star Trek and it is a staple in the geek world! Who does not know the characters of Luke Skywalker, Darth (I am your father) Vader and the “backward not does he talk”, Yoda? George L is a very clever man, building his Universe full of amazing non-human characters that we all want to take home via just about any store on Earth! Star Wars has inspired many, including fans who carry out charity in its name, ala The 501st Legion. He brought animation and puppetry to the fore in story telling and allowed us the opportunity to buy our own model of the Millennium Falcon! So, who are Eugenia and talking to in this episode? Two actors who played small, but iconic roles in the franchise and beyond! They are Tim Rose (remember the fishy Admiral) who starred as General Akbar and who was also a puppeteer for the movies and Daniel Logan who plays the young Boba Fett in the movies and animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Eugenia and Gerri would like to thank Daniel of www.supanova.com.au and Lionel Midford of www.lionelmidfordpublicity.com the interview with Daniel and Oz Comic Con www.ozcomiccon.com plus Sophie Blue of www.blueplanetpr.com.au for Tim Rose. Without these organisations supporting the podcast Eugenia and Gerri could not bring these amazing interviews to you. Check them out and see who is coming to a con near you.

Episode 46 – Space Can Be A Funny Place – Michael Winslow

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Eugenia and Gerri talk about their favourite Sci Fi parodies such as Galaxy Quest, Spaceballs, Robot Chicken and Family Guy. They discuss the accurate portrayal (not that they dress up) of attending Conventions portrayed à la Galaxy Quest and the homages to Sci Fi shows in the 200th episode of Stargate SG-1. The guest interviewed by Eugenia and Gerri is the talented Michael Winslow who is probably more recognised as the Human Beat Box Larvelle Jones from the Police Academy movies but who has also appeared as ‘Radar’ in Spaceballs and voiced the gremlin ‘Stripe’. Their thanks go to Daniel and Lionel from Supanova http://www.supanova.com.au for the interview with Michael.

Episode 26 – Star Wars – Darth Vader Grows Up

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issuu podcast 26.pubEvery villain starts out as a young boy with a mother. She
dreams that he will become famous and do good in the world.  Well in this podcast Eugenia and Gerri get to talk to an incarnation of one of the world’s best-known villains! They get to interview Darth Vader, well the young Anakin Skywalker, the father of Luke and Leia! Eugenia and Gerri caught up with Jake Lloyd, who played 9-year-old Anakin when he was a slave from Tatooine and the only human able to compete in podracing. So have a listen, sit back and find out how he got the part and what he is doing now. They also interview Sean Williams, New York Times best selling author of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and his latest Star Wars: The Old Alliance: Fatal Republic who also happens to be from their hometown of Adelaide, South Australia. Eugenia and Gerri talk about their views on how George Lucas changed the world of Sci Fi with his ‘Big Screen’ epic series. Eugenia and Gerri also discuss the impact George Lucas’ Star Wars epic series has had on Sci Fi. Star Wars fans should not miss this podcast.