A Podcast about our favourite shows with interviews from their iconic actors


Episode 129 – Blue World Order – Project Eden Vol. 1

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Whilst the first ever full length feature film as made in Australia (it’s true, Google it!) the Australian film industry has had its up and down times. Recently that has been changing with the making of major films in Australia and what appears to be a robust “independent” film industry resurgence. In this episode Gerri and Eugenia talk about two of these “independent” films that have been made in Australia. Australian Stories told by Australians with international casts. These actors are from some of Sci Fi’s favourite shows such as Stargate SG-1 and The Hobbit, Star Wars and Mad Max.

Blue World Order www.bwomovie.com is set after a nuclear war has decimated the northern hemisphere, and the surviving population in the south become desperate. Society crumbles and an infectious bacteria threatens to destroy those who remain. Some of the films well-known actors include Steven Hunter from “The Hobbit “ and Billy Zane of “The Phantom”, Bruce Spence from “Mad Max” and Jack Thompson of Star Wars. Movie written, directed and produced by Ché Baker. In this podcast Gerri and Eugenia interview actor Stephen Hunter and writer/director Ché Baker.

The second Project Eden Vol 1, www.facebook.com/projectedenfilm/ is a dramatic thriller about a young woman who, aided by an ex-military officer, becomes an unwitting fugitive after she discovers her son’s catatonic state may be at the heart of a global conspiracy. The film stars Cliff Simon, Eric Avari and Mike Dupod all from Stargate SG-1. Directed and written by Ashlee Jensen and Terrance M. Young.
Gerri and Eugenia interview Cliff Simon and Terrance Young.

As you can see, Gerri and Eugenia have a lot for you in this episode. Please support Australian films and industry by going to see them when released in a cinema near you.

Episode 117 – Buffy Girls Just Do It! – Emma Caulfield and Sarah Hagan

issuu podcast 117

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In this episode Gerri and Eugenia discuss fan-favourite Buffy! The show of strong female leads, good and bad vampires, werewolves and the odd demon! Still relevant today with its continuing demonstration that with confidence and some skills you can overcome just about anything! So, who are they talking to in this episode? Almost too many to write about there is the human/demon/human/demon Anya, played by Emma Caulfield and Sarah Hagan a latter day “slayer” from Season 7! However, as they say, “but wait there’s more”! From their archives they have an interview with Georges Jeanty comic book artist who with Joss Whedon created the eighth season of Buffy in comic book form. Gerri and Eugenia would like to thank their friends from Gifts for the Geek for the interview with Sarah catch them at www.giftsforthegeek.com.au and for Emma, Blue Planet PR www.blueplanetpr.com.au and Oz Comic Con www.ozcomiccon.com . Again there is another “but wait there’s more” moment and to give you a special bonus as they have an interview with actor, Sophie Don who just happens to be named after the character of their featured interviewed with Emma and Writer/Director, Luke Sparke, from the Australian movie, Red Billabong, check it out at www.redbillabongmovie.com .

Episode 107 – New Ways for Old Who – Dan Hall – Austen Atkinson

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issuu podcast 107Ever wondered who was behind producing classic Doctor Who DVDs Whovians have on their shelves, well wonder no longer! Gerri and Eugenia have been able to interview some of the people who are responsible for us to be able to revisit the classic stories, and complete some of the missing stories so that we can still watch them. Firstly, they interview Dan Hall (who at the time of the interview was) Commissioning Editor of Classic Doctor Who DVD production. Secondly, an interview with Austen Atkinson, founder of Planet 55 Studios, along with one of the animators responsible for animating missing episodes from The Reign of Terror, a 1st Doctor story, as well as Moonbase, a 2nd Doctor story. It was through this painstaking animating process that fans around the world are able to view completed stories that were thought lost forever. Gerri and Eugenia would like to thank The Doctor Who Club of Australia, http://www.dwca.org.au for the opportunity of these interviews during one their Whovention events based in Sydney, Australia.

Episode 99 – Arrow’s Friend and Foe – Manu Bennett

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issuu podcast 99Has Sci Fi finally made it into the mainstream? With all the shows from the Sci Fi and Fantasy genre we sure hope so! In this episode Gerri and Eugenia talk about the Arrow. This show is about a human superhero, no special super powers (except what lotsa money can buy), showing us what commitment and effort can achieve. With the newest incarnation being very dark and a flashback in each episode we have the past and the future of what makes and what happens when a superhero takes on the world. Arrow has many interesting characters with some of them even female, strong, purposeful and funny with one as the geek and the other The Black Canary. One thing that is nice to see in this show for Gerri and Eugenia is the Australians, with an Australian accent! In this episode Gerri and Eugenia have an interview with Manu Bennett, otherwise known as Slade, done just before Manu took on the role. Born in New Zealand, grown in Australia (it is just across the pond) they claim him anyway! Thanks to Culture shock events, http://www.cultureshockevents.com for allowing Gerri and Eugenia to interview Manu.