A Podcast about our favourite shows with interviews from their iconic actors

Posts tagged “J August Richards

Episode 126 – Vampires and Fighters – Gunn and Harmony

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issuu podcast 126

Remember Angel the TV show!  Whilst it has not been on our television for many years it was one show that is hard to forget!  Not only did it entertain us, but it taught us as well!  The main theme of the show was about “good v evil”, but there was also an underlying theme of “yes you can overcome your base” and you can aim to change the way that you interact with the world!  So what do Eugenia and Gerri have for you in this episode?  They talk about Angel the show with not one, but two vampires who got their “humanity” back!  Angel and Spike who could want more, well we could, do more episodes if that is possible “Josh”!  This show still stands up today and could be said that it and Buffy changed the way that we look at female heroes, not only are they brave but like Fred they can be smart too!  So in this episode Eugenia and Gerri get to talk to J. August Richards and Mercedes McNab.  The guy from the hood that is good (Gunn), and the vampire who tried to be better (Harmony).   This show had a darker, more grown-up theme than Buffy, however it did have a lighter side!  Who can forget Muppet Angel, well Eugenia and Gerri can’t!   Just do a Google search, it still makes them laugh!

They would like to thank Daniel of www.supanova.com.au and Lionel of  www.lionelmifordpublicity.com  for their interview with Mercedes and Oz Comic Con  www.ozcomiccon.com   and Sophie Blue of www.blueplanetpr.com.au  for their interview with J. August.