A Podcast about our favourite shows with interviews from their iconic actors

Posts tagged “Australian

Episode 103 – There is Nothing Black or White about Gigi Edgley

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issuu podcast 103Farscape, what a show? How many of you have watched this Australian show? Well, Gerri and Eugenia and are proud to say “Made in Australia”, this is a show that breaks the mould in the use of Muppets! Well not Muppets but animatronics, done so well that you actually see the characters as real and find that you invest them with feeling and reality and the show is full of fun, suspense and damn good action! The show took us a little further in the imaginations of make-up artists and their vision of what an alien would look like. We had black and white, red and blue skin, tentacles coming from the head and even a ship that was a sentient being! Jim Henson’s Creature workshop was able to create characters that were multi-layer as well as a few “nut-jobs”, action heroes and some more really, really nutjobs! In this podcast Gerri and Eugenia get to talk with one of the actors from the series none other than Gigi Edgley who played Chiana, the black and white alien who may be classed as one of the nutjobs!!! Gigi is a method actor, singer, writer and now “show-host”. Gigi now hosts Brian Henson’s show, “Jim Henson’s Creature Shop Challenge” where you get to see how animatronics are made and used in movies and TV. Gerri and Eugenia would like to thank Gigi for the interview and you can catch her at her website http://www.gigiedgley.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/gigiedgley.fanpage?fref=ts and on twitter @GigiEdgley.