A Podcast about our favourite shows with interviews from their iconic actors

Posts tagged “Discovery

Episode 135 – The Discovery of Star Trek – Rekha Sharma

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issuu podcast 135

This podcast recorded part way through the series has Gerri and Eugenia speculating who the Captain of Discovery was to be! This incarnation of Star Trek is a darker, grittier version. No mention of “The Prime Directive” and of course all that technology that we never saw on the USS Enterprise. Have those that believe Star Trek canon should be followed to the letter accepted this new version of the franchise? As we have moved on with our own technology, so has the film industry and it would be “silly” to use the production values or props of the 1960’s in the telling of these stories. Discovery does however (BTW it seems that the show title has been shortened to Star Trek: DSC to fit in with the shortened form of the other shows), give nod to a least the sounds of the 60s with the noticeable hisses of the doors and the tinkle of the transporters and of course the flip communicators, paying homage to The Original Series. Star Trek again looks to the world that we live in with xenophobia being central to current story lines and a retelling of the Mirror Universe, first seen again in TOS. So whilst being new it acknowledges what went before. So far Gerri and Eugenia like the show and look forward to the development of a new history that adds to the mythology of one of their favourite franchises. Don’t forget to check back through their catalogue to re-listen to their episodes covering all of the Star Trek incarnations and even some fan made shows. In this episode Gerri and Eugenia pull an interview from the archive with Rekha Sharma who played Security Chief, Commander Landry. Recorded before the making of the new series, Rekha has been a fan of the show from a child having watched it with her father. Gerri and Eugenia would like to thank Rob and Sandra from Culture Shock Events who gave them the opportunity to interview Rekha. Check out www.cultureshockevents.com for their upcoming shows.