A Podcast about our favourite shows with interviews from their iconic actors

Posts tagged “Lister

Episode 136 – It’s Still Cold Outside – Norman Lovett and Craig Charles

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 UK TV has some shows that never really grow old they just keep on giving. One of these is the iconic Sci Fi comedy Red Dwarf! In this episode Eugenia and Gerri talk to another of the cast. The smartest and dumbest computer on board the ship, (even the scutters are more intelligent than Holly on occasion) is who they are interviewing, the funny and sardonic Norman Lovett. But, as with any episode of Red Dwarf the unexpected can happen and that happened when they started interviewing Norman! In pops the redoubtable Craig Charles, who audio-bombed Norman, what happens next is a laugh fest where Eugenia and Gerri just sit back and let it happen! Eugenia and Gerri also talk all about the latest series’, yes, including Season 9 .
Don’t forget to catch up with their previous interviews with cast members including Cat (Danny John-Jules), Lister (Craig Charles), Kryten (Robert Llewellyn) and Captain Hollister (Mac McDonald). Eugenia and Gerri would like to thank Scott Liston of www.firstcontactconventions.com.au for the opportunity to interview Norman and Craig.

Episode 113 – The Captain and The Cat – Red Dwarf


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It’s cold outside, no kind of atmosphere, all alone more or less… Any fan of Red Dwarf will be able to complete the rest of that song and of course the only way that you can sing it, loudly, and this is the show that Gerri and Eugenia will be discussing in this episode. For the last 28 years intermittently this show has been on the screens of Sci Fi fans all over the world. Whilst there have only been 10 seasons it is always eagerly anticipated and fans look forward for latest adventures of what can only be called a “motley crew”!

Red Dwarf is the adventure for the “everyman/women”. We can all see ourselves blunder through the things that life chucks at us and just like the crew in Red Dwarf, we hope that we will come out the other end with, if not success, at least still alive. So, what do they have for you in this episode? They have interviews with a cat and an American, that is Danny John-Jules the elegant and lithe actor/dancer who plays Cat, the being who evolved from a “cat”! The other is with the bane of our heroes’ lives and that is Mac McDonald, the erstwhile Frank Hollister, the slightly incompetent Captain of the ship. Gerri and Eugenia would like to thank Scott Liston from First Contact Conventions http://www.firstcontactconventions.com.au

Episode 71 – Red Dwarf – It’s Cold Outside – Craig Charles

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issuu podcast 71The British are very good at keeping a television show alive for a long time look at Doctor Who and many other soaps and programs that stay around for many years. But in the world of British geekdom there is another iconic program and that is Red Dwarf. One of the funniest Sci Fi comedies that you can watch now on the air for 25 years! In this episode you may just find Gerri getting her geek out big time and even Eugenia can’t blame her. Gerri and Eugenia talk about Red Dwarf and the heart and soul of the show Dave Lister, played by none other than Craig Charles who they interview this episode. Find out about his passion for the show and why he keeps going back to play “Dave”. Gerri and Eugenia would like to thank (really, really thank) Scott and Diana Liston from First Contact Conventions, http://www.firstcontactconventions.com.au and Annabel from Roadshow Entertainment http://roadshow.com.au/tv/comedy.aspx (where the DVDs come from) for giving Gerri one of the biggest geek outs since doing this podcast when they interviewed Craig Charles.